Sutton Asbestos Surveys

Telephone: (01432) 343344


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Project List

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Herefordshire Housing
As Consultants to Herefordshire Housing Ltd (HHL)
we are undertaking
surveys on well over 6000 domestic
dwellings and up to 3000 additional structures.

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Wye Valley Group

We work closely with the Wye Valley Group in a number of areas including Refurbishment or Demolition Surveys 

(MDHS100 Type 3), which are required to be undertaken prior to major refurbishment or demolition work.

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Falkland Islands Government We have carried out survey work and asbestos training for several years on many Falkland Island buildings and infrastructure including Government House and the Mount Pleasant airport and base.

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Herefordshire Council
We are registered as Consultants with the Herefordshire Council and are able to support them through their term contracts in many ways.

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Interserve in Ascension and Falkland Islands
Providing Annual Asbestos Awareness Training (AAT) to Interserve operatives and subcontractors on military and support sites at both locations in accordance with the company Asbestos Management Plan

To view some of our Surveys Click Here


Hereford (Main Office)

Telephone: (01432) 343344